12-Step Groups

12 step groups are peer-led groups that focus on sobriety and support. These groups are usually free, and are often a helpful part of recovery. There are three specific groups for individuals struggling with sex addiction: SA, SAA, and SLAA. SA (Sexaholics Anonymous) addresses “lust” rather than “addiction” and focuses on abstinence of sexual behaviors outside of a committed heterosexual relationship. SAA (Sex Addicts Anonymous) allows members to determine their own definition of healthy sexual behaviors and helps members work towards their individual definition of abstinence. SLAA (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous) focuses on not only physical sexual behaviors, but also unhealthy emotional connections. There are multiple groups available for betrayed partners: S-Anon (Support for Family and Friends of Sex Addicts), COSA (Codependents of Sex Addicts), CoDA (Codependents Anonymous), and Al-Anon (Support for Family and Friends of Alcoholics, but also sometimes a helpful tool for family and friends of any addict). 12 step groups for couples include RCA (Recovering Couples Anonymous).


Sexaholics Anonymous


Sex Addicts Anonymous


Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous


S-Anon International


Alcholics Anonymous


Recovering Couples Anonymous